We Lead Cities
We and our partners provide expertconsultancy
services in town planning, building& engineering design, project
management, dispute resolution,ESG, green and socialprojects.
Our expert team ininformation and spatial technologies provide services to clients like Apple, Google, Tencent, fleets like minibus, taxi,MTR,hotel/ real estate groups and government in smart city solutions, fleet management, connected vehicles, maps, smart real estate and hotels, smart traffic information projects with focus in Asia Pacific. We extend our services to Middle East and Africa in recent years.
Future Cities Infrastructure are All Connected. 5G leads AI-Cities Applications to new high level.AI-Cities is the on line platform services of our group companies including MapKing, MapAsia, A-Innovative and Fleet Management Online utilizing high-end internet technologies like 5G and IOT for a spectrum of applications. Our applications serve logistic management, project management,3D city, streetview and big data, intelligent traffic, smart shopping mall and hotel, IoT etc.
Please contact our representatives in Hong Kong, China, Singapore, and Malaysia.